Dinky Toys  Links  

Dinky-Collector Paul
I have created this site for fellow enthusiasts to use as a resource and to showcase my own collection - mostly Dinky models - and to pass on my knowledge of modelling and restoring. My main interest is in collecting and restoring Dinky models although my collection is slowly expanding to a few other makes such as Corgi, Tootsietoy, Crescent and Matchbox. I enjoy restoring the models to their original condition and, in a few cases, converting them into something new.!

Dinky Toys of Dr. Rossi a very nice collection!

Dinky Toys of Christiaan Boland great collection!

Dinky Toys & more german website - a very nice collection!

DeDinkyClub belgian Dinky Toys enthousiasts website

   ASS Automodelle Sidney-Solingen

     Bay Area  Collectors' Association

   Carr Collectables

Toy Collector
Toy Collector : is an online community for toy and model collectors. The Toy Collector platform supports enthusiasts worldwide with information via blogs, news, events, product reviews, yellow pages and facilitates discussions through forums.

     DinkyMania by Hector Luis Spinelli (Argentina)

   Classic Thunderbird diecast models

  Classic Thunderbird diecast models another site

   DTCA Dinky Toy Club of America

   Matchbox Toy site in the Netherlands from John Nijhuis

   MICA Matchbox International collectors Association

   Ross Frank's page.  (Models of Yesteryear)


   Squids Matchbox pages (mainly Regular Wheels)

   TOY BOY  (Matchbox Toy Collector/Dealer )

   Toyland  (lots and I mean LOTS of Matchbox links)

     A wide collection of collectibles such as dinkytoys

  DinkyToys Ring 

   dinkytoys-list.club.tip.nl  huge list of dinkytoys websites

    Maestro´s Hobby Corner 

   www.dinkytoys.ch   Dinkytoys from Truttman

      a nice Dinkytoys Collection from Cam Bailey 

      a  Dinkytoys salesman page from Germany

    Gary´s DIECAST Drive-In

   www.dinkytradebox.com  seems as if there will be a shop ?

OPTITARIF  Immer kostenlos den besten Tarif finden mit OptiTarif

A nice ring in search of a good home

Dinky Toys Ring


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